Farming CAN!

by | Sep 30, 2021 | News

Today (April 30) marks the launch of Farmers Guardian’s #FarmingCAN campaign to show what farming provides to the nation and how it can be a key factor in the post pandemic rebuild. The campaign brings together key farming publications, events, businesses and organisations which will show how farming is at the heart of the nation.

It also sets out to dispel myths around food production and will share information to raise awareness of the farming industry as a whole bringing the public and farmers closer together.

Over the next 12 months, #FarmingCAN will highlight real-life farming stories, initiatives, case studies and strategies into informative, bitesize messages for the public.

It will be shared on social media channels @FarmingCAN, asking and answering questions and presenting the real facts to demonstrate how farming is adapting.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, public support for British farmers has never been higher. A YouGov international poll of 22,000 people showed that Britons value farmers more than any other country.

The farming community is so appreciative of this support.

Visit and follow the campaign on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook: @FarmingCAN.

You can get involved by using hashtag #FarmingCAN.